Read My Lips (A College Obsession Romance) Read online

Page 27

  Dangerous to other men. I face her with my boldest grin, undoing the robe, then let it drop to the floor.

  The room sees my cock. I observe their collective gaping.

  Yeah, I’m used to that reaction.

  The woman in front, however, she doesn’t seem to regard it at all, her sharp eyes penetrating me from behind her easel. She crosses her legs, unimpressed, though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see a tinge of amusement in her eyes.

  I’ve got her.

  I take my position on the stool, doing that one-foot-on-the-ground-and-one-foot-on-the-second-rung-of-the-stool thing. I rest my hands comfortably near my hips, proudly on display, and throw my gaze to the side, as if that hot woman whose attention I totally have doesn’t mean a thing. I know how these mind games work, and she’s about to find out how expert-level I am.

  The calm room becomes a chorus of pencil scratches, tiny sighs, and creaking from shifting stools.

  Unable to help it, I turn my chin slightly, meeting her eyes.

  She smirks, bringing the pencil to her lip and biting softly.


  Sitting on this stool, totally naked, in front of a class full of women and men who are meticulously drawing my every outline, shadowing my every curve and cut of muscle, right down to my big dick … I find myself suddenly caught with an entirely different, unplanned concern.

  I can’t let myself get hard.

  Not in front of the whole classroom.

  I look away from her. Then, I can’t look away, glancing back.

  Her tongue teases out, touching the tip of her pencil as she quietly studies me.

  Already, I’m imagining what that tongue could do to me.

  I’m fucking naked. I have nowhere to hide.

  In seconds, I’ve been converted from the cock on the block to … the dude with his cock out, exposed to the world, and slowly being worked up and turned on by that dangerous-looking girl.

  Is my cock stirring? Everyone’s watching.

  The scraping of pencils on paper. The creaking of easels and chairs. A long breath in the back of the room. The clearing of a throat.

  I swallow, bringing my eyes back to her.

  She shifts in her seat, crossing her legs the other way.

  Fu-u-u-u-ck. Don’t get hard. Don’t get hard. Don’t get hard.

  Her eyes draw down my body, landing on my cock. The way she looks at it, I can almost feel her fingers wrapping around it.

  The end of that pencil breaches her lips. I catch a flick of her evil tongue, imagining how that evil flick would feel on the tip of my dick.

  And her lips, wrapping around the end.

  Her warm mouth enveloping it.

  I suck in a jagged breath of air. If I control my breath, I can control my cock from getting hard. I hold my breath, blinking and fighting all the blood in my body that’s quickly rushing south.

  Her lips curve into the tiniest hint of a smile.

  Oh, yeah? Does my predicament amuse you?

  Suddenly, I find my confidence again. The rush of heat subsides, and I look down at her legs, wrinkling my forehead ever so subtly. I consider what sort of warmth is gathering between them right now.

  Haven’t I been reading the signs? She’s turned on, too.

  When I look up from her sexy, squeezed-together legs, her intense eyes are on me, and they’ve changed. They’re defiant. It’s like I literally just touched her without her permission.

  Now it’s my turn to wear the nearly-undetectable smirk of victory.

  Her eyes narrow.

  I got you.

  It isn’t much longer before the professor makes her announcement, and then class is finally over. With a careless bend downward, I reclaim the robe, shrugging myself back into it and glancing at my eye-fuck-slash-mind-fuck partner, only to find her packing up her supplies.

  In the noise of others chatting and gathering their things, I stroll by her easel, catching sight of her sketch.

  “Hmm,” I mumble, studying it. “I think your … proportions … are a little on the small side,” I note with a leering nod at my junk.

  She regards me with two squinted eyes that struggle to hide their amusement. “Actually,” she says, her words seeming to lick my ears with their breathiness, “I think I got it just right.”

  She smirks, amused, then zips up her supply bag.


  I chuckle, undaunted. “Maybe you need a new pair of contacts,” I tease her, crossing my arms as I peer into those rich green eyes that glow like pure emeralds in that sea of black eyeliner she wears.

  “Nope,” she answers curtly, tucking her supply bag under a slender arm. “Perfect vision.” Her eyes trail down my body like a smooth set of fingers, landing at my crotch. “I just draw it how I see it.”

  “I’m Brant,” I tell her. “I could … give you a closer look sometime. Maybe tonight, if you’re free.”

  She lifts her eyes, those gorgeous greens flashing.

  She stops my breath.

  Her lips curl, amused. “I’ve seen enough.”

  Then she turns, her hair flipping, and she saunters away, her ass hugged by those tight, black jeans of hers. I can’t take my eyes off of them.

  With a grin, I crack my knuckles. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. Hard-to-get is a game I’m quite used to.

  And I’m ready to play.

  Want to read the rest of Brant’s story?

  Add Beneath The Skin to your To-Be-Read list here:

  Coming fall 2016.

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